
Progress with the Office

Things are moving along in our playroom turned guest room/office. New Paint and a lucky happening have helped it along and so far I am quite happy with the progress made.

After trying to make a wood desktop on my own to attach to legs we already had stored away in the attic, I was offered a beautiful black marble top that my mother in law had laying around in her garage! WAAAY better than my original plan and 100% free! I attached the legs with a silicone adhesive and used a level to mark 1/4 inch inside on each side, then used a level to make sure that all legs were angled correctly. Here's a peek at the outcome! A big shout of thanks to my mother-in-law Lisa for the awesome freebie! 

Next I painted the room in tidewater by sherwin williams. Side note: I do a LOT of painting and I really love their harmony paint, It's better for the environment, your health and your nose and it covers very well!

I also spent a few hours (eh hem... not minutes as I had hoped!) changing out my first light fixure.  Did I mention that it's really time we invested in a ladder!  I used a clearance pottery barn shade I had previously purchased and a pentant kit from Home Depot. It's amazing how lighting can enhance the mood and feel of a room.

 Next, I will start working on the sidetables, built in shelving and curtains. Stay tuned-because I might just  have you vote for your favorite design!

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